The GATES Foundation a Philanthropic Organization by Melinda Gates and Bill Gates one of the highly ranked Billionaires who was at the top for years made their vision clear to make Earth a better Planet. In 20 years, they connected Education, Health, Climate Crisis, Gender Equality in the U.S and Mostly helped to provide Nutrition in African countries that saved lives of Millions. They joined hands with Worldly Organization and Started GAVI (Vaccination Campain).
How they connected the aspects is very impressive to know. Read on for glimpses of Gates Foundation.
Health and Education are key to a healthier, better, and more equal world. The disease is both a symptom and cause of Inequality. Education is driver of Equality.
With this belief, Bill Gates started Gates Foundation in the year 2000. He says, "Philanthropy can never—and should never—take the place of governments or the private sector. We do believe it has a unique role to play in driving progress, though.
At its best, philanthropy takes risks that governments can’t and corporations won’t. Governments need to focus most of their resources on scaling proven solutions.
Businesses have fiduciary responsibilities to their shareholders.
But foundations like ours have the freedom to test out ideas that might not otherwise get tried, some of which may lead to breakthroughs."
The goal isn’t just incremental progress. It’s to put the full force of efforts and resources behind the big bets that, if successful, will save and improve lives. That is the main motto of GATES Foundation.
Global Health
Many children in low-income countries were still dying from diseases that could have been prevented with vaccines that were widely available in countries like the U.S. The challenges of poverty and disease are always connected.
Since this wasn’t something that markets and governments were solving on their own, they saw an opportunity for philanthropic dollars to help. They worked with the World Health Organization, the World Bank, and UNICEF to create Gavi, the Vaccine Alliance. Gavi brings together governments and other organizations to raise funds to buy vaccines and support low-income countries as they deliver them to children.
By 2019, Gavi had helped vaccinate more than 760 million children and prevent 13 million deaths. It has also succeeded in bringing more vaccines and supplies into the market while lowering prices. For example, a single dose of the pentavalent vaccine, which protects against five deadly infections, used to cost $3.65. It now costs less than a dollar.
Today, 86 percent of children around the world receive basic immunizations. That’s more than ever before. But reaching the last 14 percent is going to be much harder than reaching the first 86 percent. The children in this group are some of the most marginalized children in the world.
Some of them live in fragile states where conflict prevents the health system from working well for anyone. Others live in remote rural areas. Frustratingly, some live just a few hundred meters from a health facility but are invisible to the health system.
Gavi is now increasingly focused on working with countries to take a more targeted approach to the districts where unvaccinated children are concentrated.
But just like Gavi, the Global Fund has proven to be a tremendous success. In 2018 alone, nearly 19 million people received life-saving HIV treatment in countries where the organization invests.
In the beginning, they put a lot of resources into HIV preventatives that needed to be taken every day.
Today they focus on longer-lasting preventatives. Imagine if, instead of having to take a pill every day, a person could get one injection every other month, an implant in his or her arm, or even a vaccine to entirely remove the risk of getting the virus.
We certainly understand why many people are skeptical about the idea of billionaire philanthropists designing classroom innovations or setting education policy. Gates Foundation has always been clear that their role isn’t to generate ideas themselves; it’s to support innovation-driven by people who have spent their careers working in education: teachers, administrators, researchers, and community leaders.
But one thing that makes improving education tricky is that even among people who work on the issue, there isn’t much agreement on what works and what doesn’t.
In global health, we know that if children receive the measles vaccine, they will be protected against the disease, which means they’re more likely to survive. But there’s no consensus on cause and effect in education. Are charter schools good or bad? Should the school day be shorter or longer? Is this lesson plan for fractions better than that one? Educators haven’t been able to answer those questions with enough certainty to establish clear best practices.
It’s also hard to isolate any single intervention and say it made all the difference. Getting a child through high school requires at least 13 years of instruction enabled by hundreds of teachers, administrators, and local, state, and national policymakers. The process is so cumulative that changing the ultimate outcome requires intervention at many different stages.
Among other things, they support some improvements in curriculum, getting smarter about keeping kids from dropping out, and deepen understanding of what makes a great teacher great and can make a good teacher better.
They also provide Gates Millennium Scholars Program which helped many needy students to study in foreign nations. Much of their early work in education seemed to hit a ceiling. Once projects expanded to reach hundreds of thousands of students, they stopped seeing the results they hoped for. It became clear to them that scaling in education doesn’t mean getting the same solution out to everyone. Work needed to be tailored to the specific needs of teachers and students in the places they were trying to reach.
The Gates Foundation did an experiment with one of the schools considered as worst in the city. And they were quite Successful. They planned the system of school as :
"If you’re a freshman, your first day now starts with a teacher who helps you with organizational skills, college planning, and how to use your school laptop for assignments. An online portal lets you check your grades every day. Every five weeks, you sit down with a counselor to understand how you’re doing and where to go for help if you need it. "
The school’s approach worked. Last year, 95 percent of North-Grand freshmen were on track for graduation—and the school was ranked one of the best in the city.
If somehow we can bring this system to Indian Education we can make Milestones. Even if we build online portals perfectly we can improve the country's image.
Climate Crisis affecting Energy Poverty
Bill and Melinda Gates began traveling regularly to low-income countries to meet with people
and hear about the issues they were working on. One of the things they noticed on many of those trips was how little electricity there was. After the sun set, entire villages plunged into darkness.
They saw unlit streets in Lagos,Nigeria where people huddled around fires they had built in old oil barrels.
That phenomenon is called “energy poverty”—is a real problem for 860 million people around the world. Our modern world is built on electricity. Without it, you are left in the dark.
Two facts quickly became clear. First, the world would become a richer, healthier, and more equitable place if everyone had reliable access to electricity. Second, A need to find a way to make that happen without contributing to climate change.
Tackling climate change is going to demand historic levels of global cooperation, unprecedented amounts of innovation in nearly every sector of the economy, widespread deployment of today’s clean-energy solutions like solar and wind, and a concerted effort to work with the people who are most vulnerable to a warmer world. People all over the world are already being affected by a warmer world. Those impacts will only get worse in the years to come.
The cruel irony is that the world’s poorest people, who contribute the least to climate change, will suffer the worst.
No one will be hit harder than subsistence farmers, who rely on the food they grow to feed their families and already live on the edge of survival. They don’t have the resources to withstand more droughts or floods, a disease outbreak among their herds, or new pests devouring their harvests. At 4 degrees Celsius of warming, most of sub-Saharan Africa could see the growing season shrink by 20 percent or more —and that’s just an average. In areas with severe droughts, the growing season could get cut even shorter.
The best thing we can do to help people in poor countries adapt to climate change is to make sure they’re healthy enough to survive it. We need to reduce the number of children who become malnourished and improve the odds that people who do suffer from malnutrition survive. That means making sure that people have access not only to the nutrients they need but also to proven interventions like vaccines, drugs, and diagnostics. we can avoid a climate catastrophe if we take steps now to reduce emissions and find ways to adapt to a warmer world.
NACTORE is a non-profit organization. We don't charge nor ask for donations. We enlighten the worldly topics that are supposed to be most certainly looked after. The way Education is supposed to be served is quite different since it is being provided for ages. Visualizing to make attempts to make this sector filled with unique content is our prime goal. We shall improve ourselves on many points with each new progress.
Thank you for Reading,
Harshil Jani